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DevCycle March 2025 - OpenFeature Hackathon

· 9 min read
Jonathan Norris
Co-Founder & CTO @ DevCycle, OpenFeature maintainer

A few times a year at DevCycle, we hit pause on our usual work, push aside our roadmaps, and dive into a few days of rapid experimentation and collaboration. For our first hackathon of 2025, we opted for an OpenFeature-theme —a chance to explore new ideas, test bold concepts, and build something innovative for the OpenFeature ecosystem together.

This year, teams tackled projects ranging from OpenFeature CLI improvements to using OpenFeature Remote Evaluation Protocol with CloudFlare Workers. Let's take a closer look at how our team hacked, what we learned, and why these projects matter.

DevCycle's Hackathon Projects

OpenFeature Remote Evaluation Protocol with Cloudflare Workers

At DevCycle, we were an early supporters of the OpenFeature Remote Evaluation Protocol (OFREP), and long-time users of Cloudflare Workers. Naturally, we were curious if we could use the OFREP API as a bridge interface to better support Feature Flags in these edge environments. As one of our hackathon projects, Elliot from our team built a DevCycle OFREP Worker, which we could publish for customers to run in their own environment. This worker can use a service binding to bind this worker to any of their own internal workers.

This implementation provides a Cloudflare Worker template that synchronizes and caches DevCycle flags configuration within your Cloudflare environment. The worker fetches the flag configuration from the DevCycle's CDN once, which is served by Cloudflare's CDN / R2, and then processes the project configuration locally to evaluate flags for individual users. This means that feature flags can be accessed almost instantaneously within any Worker in your environment, eliminating processing delays and reducing external API calls.

Then, in your internal worker, you can use the existing OpenFeature SDKs with the OFREP Provider to bind the fetch call to the DevCycle OFREP Worker:

import { OpenFeature } from '@openfeature/server-sdk'
import { OFREPProvider } from '@openfeature/ofrep-provider'

const provider = new OFREPProvider({
baseUrl: '',
fetchImplementation: (input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => env.OFREP_BUCKETING.fetch(input, init),
headers: [
['Content-Type', 'application/json'],
await OpenFeature.setProviderAndWait(provider);
const client = OpenFeature.getClient();

Integrating OFREP with Cloudflare Workers offers a scalable and high-performance solution for feature flag evaluation at the edge built on open standards. This was a great demo during our Hackathon; there is still some work to do to productize this OFREP worker; reach out to us if you think this is an interesting use-case for OFREP as we continue to work on it.

OpenFeature CLI Contribution

Strongly typed feature flags are essential for teams managing feature flags at scale across large codebases. DevCycle has long supported the dvc generate types command in our CLI, which generates Typescript Types for our DevCycle SDKs. When we heard about the development progress of the OpenFeature CLI in generating types for OpenFeature SDKs, we were eager to contribute to its development.

While the OpenFeature CLI is in its early development, type generation for Go and React is already functional. However, there was no built-in way for vendors to integrate their platforms with the CLI’s type generation feature.

The openfeature generate react command runs by generating a typed interface for your OpenFeature SDK from a known list of flags from a standard flags manifest file. To support this standard as a vendor, the CLI would need a way to pull and sync the flag manifest file directly from a vendor’s platform. Jason from DevCycle stepped in and created an openfeature pull method to pull flag data from DevCycle's API and generate a manifest file for the CLI to use.

> openfeature pull
> openfeature generate react

This will result in an openfeature.ts file with populated variable hooks:

'use client';

import {
type ReactFlagEvaluationOptions,
type ReactFlagEvaluationNoSuspenseOptions,
type FlagQuery,
} from "@openfeature/react-sdk";

* **Details:**
* - flag key: `a-newer-feature`
* - default value: `false`
* - type: `boolean`
export const useANewerFeature = (options?: ReactFlagEvaluationOptions): FlagQuery<boolean> => {
return useFlag("a-newer-feature", false, options);

* **Details:**
* - flag key: `a-newer-feature`
* - default value: `false`
* - type: `boolean`
* Equivalent to useFlag with options: `{ suspend: true }`
* @experimental — Suspense is an experimental feature subject to change in future versions.
export const useSuspenseANewerFeature = (options?: ReactFlagEvaluationNoSuspenseOptions): FlagQuery<boolean> => {
return useSuspenseFlag("a-newer-feature", false, options);


We are excited to keep working on the CLI with the folks from Dynatrace, Google Cloud, and others leading this effort. Our PR adding the pull command

Codemod: Convert Codebase from Vendor SDK to OpenFeature SDK

Building a Codemod for OpenFeature migrations has been on our radar for a while. After connecting with the Codemod team, we saw its potential for helping customers migrate from vendor SDKs to OpenFeature SDKs. Codemod has gained great adoption among teams upgrading to the latest versions of React or officially supported upgrade paths - such as the transition from Nuxt 3 to Nuxt 4 (Nuxt 3 → 4).

This hackathon finally gave us the chance to experiment with Codemod’s tooling and publish a codemod. Think of the codemod platform as tooling around open-source code transformation tools like jscodeshift, while adding AI-powered tooling for generating codemods, plus an NPM-like repository for distributing them.

Our first set of codemods focussed on helping teams transition their codebases from DevCycle or Launchdarkly Node.js SDKs to using the OpenFeature SDK, using the respective vendor’s OpenFeature Provider. To do this, we discovered it best to break down the problem into smaller, testable steps and then run all the codemods together in a workflow:

  • Update Imports CodeMod - transforms file and packages imports to use OpenFeature + Provider.
  • Initialization Transform - transforms the SDK initialization from using initializeDevCycle() to setting up the DevCycleProvider and creating the OpenFeature Client
  • User Context Transform - updates DevCycleUser to EvaluationContext objects, rename user_id param to targetingKey
  • Variable Transform - replaces DevCycle variableValue() and variable() calls with get<Type>Value() and get<Type>Details() calls to OpenFeature

After installing codemod: npm i -g codemod, these can be run using:

codemod devcycle-to-openfeature-nodejs-workflow

The codemod CLI will download the latest version of the codemods and run them against your codebase.

These codemods are a great starting point for anyone looking to do much of the heavy lifting, updating a codebase from DevCycle or Launchdarkly Node.js SDKs to OpenFeature. We are interested in feedback from the community about the value of these codemods and if we should continue developing them for more languages / vendors, as well as if these codemods would make sense as an OpenFeature-supported project.

Docusaurus OpenFeature Wrapper

Docusaurus is a popular framework for building documentation websites, making it easy to create and maintain interactive docs using Markdown and React. Since both DevCycle and OpenFeature rely on Docusaurus for their documentation, integrating feature flagging directly into the platform makes perfect sense. With this approach, documentation can dynamically update based on feature flags, allowing teams to release code and docs together—an essential capability for feature-driven development.

For the OpenFeature Hackathon, one of our engineers, Parth, built an OpenFeature Docusaurus plugin, leveraging the OpenFeature React SDK and flagd to enable feature management within documentation sites. He created a Docusaurus provider and applied it to a barebones Docusaurus site to showcase its functionality. The plugin allows developers to use feature flags to dynamically toggle sections of documentation, ensuring content remains in sync with evolving product features. By integrating OpenFeature, this project bridges the gap between documentation and feature flagging, improving flexibility, maintainability, and release coordination for teams using Docusaurus.

DevCycle Provider Updates for Go, .NET & Ruby

DevCycle has been supporting OpenFeature for several years, and as part of this hackathon, Jamie took the time to review our OpenFeature providers across our SDKs to ensure they were up-to-date with the latest OpenFeature SDK features.
This included adding event tracking support and handling initialization/close when applicable.

We also worked on building and publishing our much requested DevCycle OpenFeature Ruby Provider. Our goal is to provide OpenFeature support across all DevCycle SDKs, with only Next.js, iOS, Android, React Native, Flutter, and Roku remaining for full coverage.

Dogfooding OpenFeature SDK Nest.js SDK + Providers

In the spirit of dogfooding OpenFeature and our own Providers, Kaushal from our team took up the task of updating the usage of DevCycle's Nest.js SDK in our main API service to use the OpenFeature Nest.js SDK with DevCycle's Nest.js Provider.

To accomplish this, we introduced a wrapper service that used a single instance of the OpenFeature Client, making it accessible across our Nest.js service. This straightforward migration allowed the OpenFeature Client to replace any existing calls to DevCycle's SDK.

One of the key takeaways from this project was realizing how much our API development relied on Nest.js decorators, which simplified our feature flagging of API endpoints:

  • @RequireFlagsEnabled(["flag1", "flag2"], ForbiddenException)
    • This would check if the targeting context evaluated multiple Boolean values to true for all the flags passed in else return the exception (default exception of NotFound)
  • @RequireFlagValues({ "flag1": "apples", "flag2": true }, ForbiddenException)
    • This would check if the targeting context matched multiple flags to the corresponding values to true for all the flags passed in, else return the exception (default exception of NotFound)

We started a PR here to enhance the Nest.js SDK with these decorators.

We also lean heavily on the mock interfaces provided by the DevCycle Nest.js SDK to mock and set flag values, which allows us to test different branching code paths in our API service. Adding similar mocking capabilities would be a useful addition to make testing all the OpenFeature SDKs easier. Dogfooding the OpenFeature SDKs and our own providers was a valuable learning experience, sparking new ideas on how to contribute to and improve these SDKs in the future.

Projects that Didn't Make the Cut This Time Around

  • Evaluation Reasons for SDKs – Enhancing our SDKs with evaluation reasons, bringing us closer to full OpenFeature spec compliance.
  • Feature Flag Observability – Improving insights into how feature flags impact performance and decision-making.
  • Add Tracking support to more SDKs - OpenFeature SDK Tracking Support
  • Multi-Provider Expansion – Bringing multi-provider support to more languages.

And many more! Each project aimed to strengthen the OpenFeature ecosystem and provide better tools for developers. Let us know what projects you found the most interesting and we should continue developing further, please reach out to us in the CNCF #openfeature Slack.