📄️ Evaluation API
The Evaluation API is the primary component of OpenFeature that application authors interact with.
📄️ Providers
Providers are responsible for performing flag evaluations.
📄️ Evaluation Context
The evaluation context is a container for arbitrary contextual data that can be used as a basis for dynamic evaluation.
📄️ Hooks
Hooks are a mechanism that allow for the addition of arbitrary behavior at well-defined points of the flag evaluation life-cycle.
📄️ Events
Events enable the ability to react to state changes in the provider or underlying flag management system.
📄️ SDK Paradigms
OpenFeature SDKs come in two "flavors"; those intended for use in server applications and those intended for use in client applications.
📄️ Tracking
Tracking in OpenFeature is the process of associating metrics or KPIs with feature flag evaluation contexts.